What we offer

Explore the vast number of resources that Koach Logistics has created for your benefit!


Gain access to exclusive information that will help analyze and improve operations.

Monitoring &

Set triggers and alerts to ensure that you are keeping track of all required data.



Utilize our tools in a way that benefits you! No operation too big or small to improve upon.

Peer to peer

Gain invaluable insight through our network of tenured participants and consultants.


Our rates are set to improve accessibility and accommodate operations of all sizes.


Round the clock access to technical support and troubleshooting tips and tricks.

Koach Promotions

Koach Promotions is committed to developing advertising tools specific to the rideshare industry. Our goal is to help drivers make more money, while simultaneously expanding the advertising networks of businesses and individuals.

  • Full control of advertisement designs and deployment.

  • Gain access to real-time insight and edit ads on the fly for no additional charge.

Koach Mobile App

Koach Logistics has developed an application that allows individuals to gain access to a fleet of For-Hire Vehicles. Our mobile app is designed to provide opportunities for drivers to generate more income by driving passengers or completing deliveries.

  • Schedule pick-ups and drop-offs of passengers and deliveries.

  • Transport goods, services and personnel essential to your operations to ensure a seamless chain of supply.

Koach Dispatch

Koach Dispatch is a branch of Koach Logistics that develops physical and digital tools that permit passengers to access, track and keep record of data as it relates to Koach Logistics and the needs of the passengers.

  • Track progress of rides, deliveries and individual spending

  • Access to fleet of various for-hire vehicles to best suit your needs

Koach For Class

In order to ensure that all individuals have equal opportunities for educational and extracurricular activities, Koach For Class was created to help ensure transportation is never an issue. Safety and security is at the forefront of our practice.

  • Charter multiple passenger vehicles for outings.

  • Access to ride monitoring and route plotting to optimize your rides for a safe and secure commute.

Get Started with Koach Logistics

Looking for help? Get in touch with us